“While Love Stirs” is a charming and sometimes amusing novel featuring feisty and opinionated Charlotte Gregory. Sparks fly at her first meeting with Dr. Joel Brooks as they clash over her idea of proper meals for his patients. Having recently graduated from Fannie Farmer’s School of Cookery, Charlotte is certain that she can teach Dr. Brooks and his staff a thing or two about nutrition but tight hospital funds force him to turn her down. A job opportunity allows Charlotte to travel all over the state and her new co-worker Lewis is sweet, handsome, and head-over-heels for her. But for some reason, Charlotte can’t get the cantankerous Dr. Brooks out of her mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed the give and take between the characters and also found Joel’s OCD tendencies to be a unique and fund addition to the story. Charlotte was an excellent heroine who was often quite outspoken, sometimes impetuous, but almost always generous and kind. Joel’s compassionate nature was sometimes hidden behind his professional bearing but his caring heart became obvious over the course of the story.

I have enjoyed each of Seilstad’s previous novels and “While Love Stirs” was no exception. I will always recommend her books.

This book was provided for review by
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.


While Love StirsTake one lovely young woman.
Add two ambitious young men.
Stir . . . and stand back.

As a graduate of Fannie Farmer’s School of Cookery, Charlotte Gregory is thrilled to have the opportunity to travel, lecture, and give cooking demonstrations on the very latest kitchen revolution–the gas stove. And she certainly doesn’t mind that the gas company has hired the kindhearted Lewis Mathis to entertain at her lectures.

Lewis encourages Charlotte’s work, especially her crusade to introduce fresh, appetizing, nutritious food to those convalescing in hospitals. But young hospital superintendent Dr. Joel Brooks is not convinced any changes should be made–especially by this outspoken young woman.

When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fund-raising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?

Follow the second Gregory sister as she looks for true love and makes her way in a rapidly changing world in this breezy, lighthearted love triangle that will keep you guessing.


Lorna SeilstadLorna Seilstad is the author of When Love Calls and the Lake Manawa Summers series. A former high school English and journalism teacher, she has won several online writing contests and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Lorna lives in Iowa with her husband. Learn more at