A Heart's Promise


There’s quite a bit going on in “A Heart’s Promise”, the fifth installment of Coble’s Journey of the Heart series. Emmie returns Isaac’s interest but fears that the secrets of her past will make him hate her. She makes a promise to a friend that could change her life forever. Then as the old saying goes, a troublemaker turns up again “like a bad penny”. And then there are rumors that another troublemaker may still be alive.

So – with one more installment left in the series, “A Heart’s Promise” left me with several questions I would like to have answered and anxious to read the last book. This has been an interesting that has give me and other Coleen Coble fans a look back at her very first novels. How far she has come yet the indications of greatness were there from the start.

This book was provided for review by LitFuse Publicity.


Emmie makes a promise to her friend that, if fulfilled, could mean the end to her dreams of a future with Isaac.

Emmie Croftner let Isaac Liddle go to avoid telling him about her past. But Isaac remains determined to win Emmie’s heart and hand. Though Emmie resolves to keep her heart in check, it hurts when she sees that another woman has set her bonnet for Isaac.

Then Emmie’s dear friend extracts a costly promise: if anything happens to her in childbirth, Emmie will marry her widower and raise the baby herself. And it seems Emmie may have to fulfill that promise. But can she live happily without Isaac?

Learn more and purchase a copy.


Colleen CobleUSA Today bestselling author Colleen Coble has written several romantic suspense novels including “Tidewater Inn,” “Rosemary Cottage,” and the Mercy Falls, Lonestar, and Rock Harbor series.

Find out more about Colleen at http://www.colleencoble.com/.




Take it to the Beach with Colleen Coble’s ‘A Heart’s Promise’ and Tote Giveaway

Take a day off and head to the beach with a new giveaway from Colleen: five books (books one–five in Colleen’s A Journey of the Heart series) and a beach bag to tote your new books in!


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A copy of A Heart’s Promise
  • A Lands’ End beach tote
  • A copy of A Heart’s Betrayal
  • A copy of A Heart’s Disguise
  • A copy of A Heart’s Obsession
  • A copy of A Heart’s Danger

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on July 31st. Winner will be announced August 3rd on Colleen’s website.
