Where She Belongs


I don’t think I have ever read a novel by Johnnie Alexander but I can guarantee that “Where She Belongs” will not be the last one. I did not expect the wonderfully complex plot filled with mostly lovable characters. Naturally, there were a couple of them I did not like at all but even one of them gradually changed his stripes before the end.

I loved the small town setting where everyone knows everyone else but secrets are held closely. I also thoroughly enjoyed watching the relationship between AJ and Shelby grow as she finally realized he was not the enemy she thought he was.

“Where She Belongs” is a wonderful mixture of family, romance, secrets, and faith that held me captive until the very last page. A sneak peek included at the end informed me that the next book will feature one of those characters I did not like very much. I can’t wait!

This book was provided for review by
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.


Can love redeem a broken past?

Shelby Kincaid is ready to move forward after the death of her husband left her devastated. With high hopes for the future, she longs to purchase her family’s homestead, Misty Willow, so she can raise her young daughters in the only place she ever truly belonged. She plans to transform the abandoned house into the perfect home of her memories. But she has her work cut out for her.

AJ Sullivan never wanted Shelby’s family homestead in the first place. His grandfather left it to him as punishment for not following his wishes, and he’s let it fall into ruin. AJ’s more than happy to unload it to this spitfire of a woman. But even after angry exchanges over the state of the house, he can’t get her off his mind.

With writing that evokes a strong sense of place and family history, Johnnie Alexander deftly explores the ties that bind us to home–and the irresistible forces that draw us to each other.


Photo Credit: © Jodie Westfall Photography

Photo Credit: © Jodie Westfall Photography

Johnnie Alexander is the award-winning author of Where Treasure Hides and Where She Belongs. Johnnie is an accomplished essayist and poet whose work has appeared in the Guideposts anthology A Cup of Christmas Cheer. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, spending time with her grandchildren, and taking road trips. She lives near Memphis, Tennessee.