A Suitor for Jenny is a humorous and entertaining story set in Rocky Creek, Texas during the late 1800’s. Jenny Higgins has arrived in town with her two younger sisters with the intention of finding suitable husbands for them. Basing her criteria for appropriate husband material on “The Compleat and Authoritative Manual for Attracting and Procuring a Husband“, Jenny soon finds that there is only one man in the area who meets those exacting standards. Unfortunately, neither sister can abide him and soon fall in love with totally unsuitable men. To complicate matters, Jenny finds herself becoming more and more attracted to Marshall Rhett Armstrong. Both Jenny and Rhett have things in their past that have convinced them that they do not deserve to be happy.

Will Jenny overcome her stubborn determination to find suitable husbands for her sisters or will she allow God to choose the perfect men for them? Can she and Rhett give up control over their own lives and permit the Lord to heal their wounded spirits? The answers to these questions and more can be found within the pages of A Suitor for Jenny.

I recommend A Suitor for Jenny for those who enjoy historical romance that is tempered with both humor and faith.

I received this book free from the publisher through the bloggers’ book review  program.


When looking for a husband, it’s best to go where the odds are in your favor.

And that would be Rocky Creek, Texas, 1880. But Jenny Higgins’s plan to find husbands for her two sisters hits a snag when enthusiastic applicants fail to meet her stringent requirements.

Rejecting her sisters’ choices for mates and riding herd on her growing feelings for Marshal Rhett Armstrong, she refuses to give up.

Jenny thinks choosing a husband is not a job for the heart. It’ll take one strong and handsome marshal to convince her otherwise.


Thrills, mystery, suspense, romance: Margaret penned it all. Nothing wrong with this, except Margaret happened to be writing for the church newsletter. After making the church picnic read like a Grisham novel, her former pastor took her aside and said, “Maybe God’s calling you to write fiction.”

It turns out God was and Margaret did. She now has more than 20 novels to her credit. In addition, she’s written many Christian articles and a non-fiction book. Still, it took a lot of prodding from God before Margaret tried her hand at writing inspirational fiction which led to her Rocky Creek series. “I love writing about characters at different stages of faith,” she says of the new direction her writing career has taken, “and I’m here to stay.”

Happily married to her real-life hero, Margaret and her husband live in Southern California.